About Us

Fischer Stralem Advisors brings together two practices with decades of experience in wealth and investment management.

Wealth & Retirement Planning

Multi-Generational Planning

Pre-Liquidity Planning

Tax Planning

Trust & Estate Planning

Charitable Gift Planning

Mortgages, Lines of Credit & Portfolio Lending

Private & Public Investment Solutions

Proprietary US Equity Management

Our History

Fischer Stralem Advisors was formed in 2020 when Stralem & Company joined the registered investment adviser firm Hightower Advisors, merging into the existing Hightower practice Fischer & Company. We provide clients with guidance to help establish the discipline they need to be able to grow and guard their wealth. Our seasoned approach provides a long term perspective on the market to help counterbalance the temptation of crowd behavior.

Fischer & Company was founded by Alan Fischer in 2002 and succeeded A.A. Fischer & Co which was established as a private investment management family office. A.A. Fischer & Co had operated continuously from 1982 until 2002 when the strategic decision was made to accept outside capital.

Stralem & Company was founded in 1966 by Donald Stralem, a partner at Hallgarten & Company, to create a firm that would better keep pace with a modernizing Wall Street. Hirschel Abelson, a partner at Ladenburg Thalmann & Co., joined him together with Philippe E. Baumann of A.L. Stamm & Co. and Coleman & Co., with whom he remained partners for 40 years. As part of Stralem’s second generation, Adam Abelson joined the firm in 1998 and became CIO of Stralem’s US Large Cap Equity strategy in 2006. Andrea Baumann Lustig joined Stralem in 2003 to lead its wealth management practice and became President in 2012.

Why Fischer Stralem?

Fiduciary Standard

As fiduciaries, we have a fundamental obligation to act in the best interests of our clients and are committed to upholding the fiduciary standard's duties of loyalty and care.

Customized Solutions

We pride ourselves on providing highly personalized service and investment solutions tailored to your unique spending, savings, charitable, retirement and legacy objectives. We work closely with you, your family and your tax and legal advisers to understand your goals as well as your tolerance for risk. With that knowledge in hand, we are better able to help you reach for your objectives within your comfort zone.

We bring rigor, organization and prioritization to your finances using principles we adhere to ourselves. Our approach provides the discipline to help you maintain a long term outlook and forgo Wall Street fads driven by hype.

Alignment of Interest

We invest in many of our recommendations alongside you, aligning our interests with yours. As a multi-generational practice, we understand the specific challenges you face and tap into our experience to offer perspective and recommendations so you can make informed decisions.

We stay connected, talking and meeting with you regularly to answer questions, update you on performance, stay informed of changes in your life and collaborate on strategy.

Hybrid Architecture

We believe in active management and seek exposure to broad asset categories through investments in proprietary strategy and third party actively-managed funds. We may also recommend achieving exposure to an asset class through passive investment vehicles where they represent the best choice.

We believe that the risk/return tradeoff you face in an investment is enhanced through investment research and thoughtful portfolio construction that hews carefully to principles implemented by experienced and successful managers.


For over two decades, Fischer Stralem’s principals have helped clients build long-term wealth through discipline, insight, and conviction. As investors ourselves, we have encouraged clients to remember the lessons of the past, enabling them to stick to their investment plans and withstand market fads.

We know that when it comes to building, sustaining and growing wealth over time, the impact of preserving capital in falling markets can far outstrip the importance of outperforming the market in rising ones.


Our research team analyzes and evaluates the investment choices to represent each asset class in your allocation.

Within each category, Fischer Stralem’s research team conducts an ongoing due diligence process on selected fund managers and potential new fund managers to evaluate elements such as the fund’s degree of asset class conformity, investment style, risk-adjusted performance, volatility, costs, management fees, investment minimums, size, length of time the fund has existed, manager turnover, and experience.