Business Owner Services

We provide business owner services to address a wide spectrum of your needs including wealth planning, protecting your legacy and constructing an exit plan.

Working With You

We know that you care deeply about how your company’s future will affect you, your loved ones and your employees. We also understand that your day-to-day decision making must remain center stage, leaving little time for succession and wealth planning. That’s where Fischer Stralem can help. We simplify your life by helping you maximize the power of your wealth, allowing you to free up time to pursue your passions and build the legacy you envision.

Roadmap to your Legacy

While you continue to focus on building your business, we plan for the sale of your company in relation to your family’s overall wealth and financial goals. We have a disciplined approach which includes identifying your financial needs, understanding the resources available to meet those needs, assessing the opportunities to enhance your resources and developing exit strategies and timing to meet your goals. At Fischer Stralem, we do the heavy lifting and provide you with a complimentary valuation of your business and offer financial advice around that valuation.

Valuation Services

If you are like 98% of business owners in the United States, you probably haven’t had an appropriate valuation done on your business.* That’s most likely because the traditional valuation process is expensive, time consuming, and intrusive. As a business owner you deserve to know the value of your most prized asset. From understanding how key decisions will affect your business to achieving your long-terms goals by selling or transitioning to a successor, there are many reasons to assess your business’s value. We can provide you with realistic value with our understanding of current market dynamics and what buyers and sellers are looking for. We can also help you reach you goals by understanding how other factors like reducing expenses, increasing cash flow, diversifying customer case and developing a strong management team can affect your valuation.

*IBIS World Report 2014

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Fischer Stralem - Exiting Your Business


Essential Considerations
