US Equity Management

We manage a proprietary, US Large Cap Equity Strategy.

US Equity Strategy

The US Large Cap Equity Strategy™ (LCES), is a proprietary strategy that applies a disciplined approach to creating wealth by managing growth and preservation of capital. Our distinct portfolio structure incorporates up-market stocks that help drive capital growth and down-market stocks that help protect capital. This strategy produces a concentrated, high active-share portfolio of 28-35 stocks.

Fischer Stralem claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®).
GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.
To receive GIPS-compliant performance information for the strategy, contact Leeza Tisnovsky.

Our Approach

We seek to build a portfolio of competitively advantaged companies that deliver growth alongside cash-rich companies that help protect capital and reduce volatility. Capital preservation is built in through a consistent down-market allocation. Stock selection is fundamental, research-driven, long-term focused and based on the belief that earnings growth ultimately drives long-term stock performance.

Our Process

We use a multi-layered, proprietary risk management model for portfolio structure, stock valuation and buy/sell discipline. Investment decisions are made centrally by Investment Committee consensus and implemented across all accounts so that every client receives the firm’s best thinking. Our principals invest alongside our clients, aligning our interests with theirs.

Direct Access

As a boutique firm, we pride ourselves on highly personalized client/consultant service with direct access to portfolio managers, frequent communication and easy access to customized reports. We have broad experience having worked with more than 45 consultants and more than 50 domestic and international custodians across multiple platforms. Our principals invest alongside you, aligning our interests with yours.

SRI Models

We have a long history of managing customized socially responsible investing (SRI) accounts. We work closely with you and your consultants to define their specific parameters and restrictions, and use multiple data sources to score and evaluate investments. We offer SRI model portfolios, including faith-based, fossil-fuel-aware and mission-aligned, as well as portfolios customized to specific institutional preferences. Portfolio construction and stock selection follow the firm’s participation with protection strategy within the socially responsible construct.